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If you would like to know more about Certus, our solutions, services, or how we can help your business, please fill out the form below.


With the explosion in big data, todays Asset Manager is dealing with more complexity than ever before. But traditional IT systems struggle to keep up with the agile needs of the modern business. Building agility into your foundational Data and creating a single view of your assets gives you the ability to maximise the strategic and financial  value that they deliver.

When managing multiple information sources, from multiple systems, data accuracy is critical. Only by understanding all the interactions and inputs of any given asset, across multiple systems and business units, can you build a true picture of asset health and then start to layer on predictive and preventative services.

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To create a single view of asset that can deliver both incremental revenue and strategic value, you must start at the foundational data level. If you get this right, you can start to build effective data-driven strategies that will not only better serve the needs of your department, but deliver both differentiation and competitive advantage for your organisation.

Utilising the unique Certus Data Vault Solution you can create a foundation to unite disparate systems of record and platform,  significantly increased data accuracy, building in intelligence for predictive and preventative maintenance in a more accurate and more agile way, that is also less expensive for your organisation to build and maintain. 

A few simple questions to ask yourself:

  • Do you have a single view of your assets across all systems and platform?
  • Do you have a holistic view of Asset Health?
  • Is your organisation's data a strategic asset?
  • Can you leverage your organisational data as part of your asset management strategy?
  • Can you create data-driven programs in a timely and agile way?
  • Is data gathering and manipulation a drain on your department's resources?
  • Is IT slow and costly to respond to new data requirements?
  • Do you have an effective data quality frame work and governance?

If the answer to these questions is no, then talk to us about how Data Vault 2.0 could underpin your Asset Management Strategy.

Solutions we Offer

Certus provide the know-how, the technology and the expertise to make your assets work for you in a digital world.

Asset Management

Certus helps asset-intensive companies fix business process problems by combining industry-leading software with optimised business practices.

Asset Intelligence

Enterprise Asset Intelligence offers businesses an opportunity to obtain real-time visibility into every aspect of their operation.

Field Service Apps

We advocate a full life-cycle approach to mobile solutions across all key phases – design, application development, integration, security and management.

Process Management

Establish best practice business processes to improve performance across the finance, asset management and information areas of your enterprise.

Re-designing Processes

Certus can help you eliminate spreadsheet-based tasks by transferring this information into one system which can then automate tasks and notify workers of the status of assets in near real-time. This leads to a productivity gain, financial gain (using less resources) and improved accuracy by removing human error from data entry processes.

Meet Maarten

Maarten van der Zeyden is Certus' Solutions Director: Asset & Industries. He has a background in transforming asset and infrastructure businesses using effective technologies to deliver enhanced practices.