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How Intelligent Interfaces Are Shifting The Digital Dial

Without question, the global pandemic has accelerated the use and need for intelligent digital interfaces. Being able to get critical information to users, whether they’re employees or customers, on their devices is an essential part of doing business today. In this episode, the panel discusses how organisations can take advantage of AI, bots and other interfaces and why this is empowering organisations to do more with their data.


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Chris Polls
Chris Ride
Solutions Director

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Session details

Chris Ride
Chris is a highly-experienced consulting solution architect with a focus on AWS and Azure cloud technology and delivering APIs, web, mobile, IoT, serverless and Microservices solutions. He has over 18 years' experience building software solutions in roles ranging from developer, solution architect, technical lead and project manager.
Grant Ford
Founder & Managing Director, Business Excellence Architects
Grant is the founder and managing director of Business Excellence Architects and a business architect with more than 30 years at the leading edge of business transformation. He has helped achieve $100M+ in process efficiency savings and business optimisation for companies. Some of his notable projects include managing the creation of the Knowhow Manager SaaS solution and the Artisan innovation for the building industry.
Roy Lorenzen
Solution Director, Certus Digital
Roy has been solutioning and delivering advanced systems into asset intensive industries for the past 12 years. His experience as Solutions Director enables him to provide an overarching view across multiple systems to enable a holistic view of delivering business outcomes.
Mark Matic
Account Manager, Forge
Mark's combination of forward-thinking management, leadership and IT skills have helped him secure SMB and Enterprise contracts across global and national markets. Mark has advised on solutions across ERP, CRM, Cloud and Collaboration and BI and Analytics.

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Digital Enablement from Forge brings together the right platforms with the right capability using an ecosystem of business, industry and technical partners. That's how we support you to become a true digital business.

Transforming Building Consent

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The Forge Digital Foundry is a methodology that embraces different tools and different sets of expertise to build agile and resilient enterprises.

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Better engage staff and customers, get the right information in front of the right people and optimise systems and processes.

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