Since 2003, the people at Certus have been delivering fresh ideas and exceptional outcomes for enterprises across Australasia. With humble beginnings in the utilities sector delivering Enterprise Asset Management systems, Certus Digital has flourished to become the leading Digital Business Partner for IBM in the region. Your needs are at the heart of who we are and we pride ourselves on the digital business outcomes delivered each and every day to enterprises like yours.
Every aspect of our lives is being inescapably impacted by exponential change – across business models, operating models and engagement models. If you are concerned with shifting the digital dial to evolve your enterprise across these models – we, along with a partner community - are here to help you do it right, first time.
With a deep understanding of Asset Intensive Enterprises, we believe in the importance of intelligence, context and connection, not just as a starting point, but at every point in building fit-for-purpose intelligent digital systems and digital interactions. The partner ecosystem collaborates to unpack your value through empathy, insight and applied methods, so that you can unlock “the possible”, at the same time as realising tangible benefits with the right step change for your enterprise, and in your industry.
Central to this approach is an ecosystem marketplace of specialist community of capabilities, platforms and partners all dedicated to you being a successful digital change agent. Our shared goal is to help you evolve your enterprise into an intelligent digital business that remains relevant in digitally disrupted times.
Together with industry professionals and aligned partners, we curate a platform-service marketplace for Digital Transformation for Asset Intensive Enterprises. The ecosystem and community enables you to meet your digital goals easier and in less time. Maximum value is created by enabling direct interactions with Ecosystem Marketplace Partners connected by a common set of values, standards and methods.
This is all realised through the Touchstone Digital Business Service.
Utility AP was an IT systems company focused on delivering IT systems to the Utility sector in New Zealand. Merging with another software developer and Systems Integrator to form a single business for Applications and Integration for Asset Intensive Enterprises.
Utility AP merges to become Certus Solutions and becomes an IBM Business Partner for Maximo. Focusing now on Enterprise Asset Management systems deliver for New Zealand Asset Intensive Enterprises.
Certus acquires Australian EOS, an IBM Lotus Notes and Websphere systems implementor and expands into Victoria and Certus becomes an IBM Business Partner in Australia for EAM and Colllaboration.
Now operating across the region including Wellington Certus has fully-fledged overs for Information Management, Analytics, EAM, Web Applications, Mobile Applications and more. 2016 saw the acquisition of Wellington based Core Technology, to expand into Business Applications & Cloud systems.
With the impact of Digital Disruption biting Enterprises across Australia and New Zealand, Certus invests in forming a inter-disciplinary ecosystem to tackle the rise of Cloud, IoT, AI and blockchain technologies. The journey to transform into a digital consultancy starts with Certus Solutions becoming Certus Digital.
Navigating through the pandemic and together with ecosystem partners the business forms a comprehensive transformational business service for Enterprise Asset Management, Intelligent Interaction, Asset Performance Management and Enterprise Digital Transformation.
No matter where you are on your digital business journey we are here to help. Drop us a line and we'll be in touch.